| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

24 December, 2006

Christmas Nostalgia

I just got back from Singapore.

This is Christmas eve and somehow this is always a special day to me.

I used to roam about til wee hours of the morning celebrating this special night with a few close friends. I'm missing those days of shopping for the most stylish attire, a 'tradition' that I observed for years. It was fun planning and deciding on colour coordination.

Then it was the Christmas carolling that I often miss. I recalled staging a mega Christmas eve performance with Dayna, my good friend 15 years ago, with a big group of children. Yea, I was only 21 and staging 'Friendship Company' by Sandi Patti was so memorable and a huge achievement for both of us. Those kids who staged the show with us are now teenagers and working executives! How time flies!

Then again, those were the good, ol days... and I am truly glad I had such great and fond memories with different groups of friends and sharing spendid moments with different ones.

This is another year of Christmas in Kuala Lumpur. At least, I get to 'feel' the Christmas spirit this year in Singapore - just a little. It was a busy time in downtown Singapore but I'm crazy enough to 'enjoy' it. This is because I miss the Christmas ambience. I think I'm having this sense of nostalgia. Perhaps, I'm not getting younger.

But I'm counting my blessings tonight that Clayton has added much fun this Christmas. He was humming the words and tune of 'Jingle Bells' earlier. Though he could only say 'Jangle Bell, Jangle Bell, Jangle Bell...... Hey!' It was so much fun. I couldn't helped but hugged him tight and laughed.

Christmas is special because of these precious moments. It is made of thoughts that linger deep in our hearts and minds.

Wishing all of you reading this blog a blessed Christmas filled with special thoughts and wonderful moments.

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