| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

07 February, 2007

Power of online chats

I'm having a fun time tonight. The power of technology allowed me to communicate with two freelancers via MSN a while ago and we got all the project issues discussed and settled. There are still many who do not subscribe to online chatting - my husband is one of them. But the truth is it is a powerful communication medium when used efficiently and appropriately. Personally, I also use it to keep in touch with friends, local and overseas. It makes keeping in touch so much easier.

Few days ago, I chatted with a friend who was busy writing paid posts in the late hours. She commented that it felt good to be 'working with an online friend', she was writing and chatting with me at the same time.

Online chatting helps to build relationships too!

1 comment:

Dilip Mutum said...

Thanks for changing the link url.

Used to chat a lot before but not that much anymore.