| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

01 March, 2007

Calling all Singapore bloggers!

A new portal and search engine site in Singapore is launched! Check out sgBlogs.com - Singapore Blogs. Being a Singaporean, it is hard not to take a peek at this new kid on the web. Now only can I ensure that my blogs be found in the directory, I can get to know other Singapore blogs. As much as I enjoy blogs from all over the world, it is nice to know bloggers in my home country. I'll be adding this new site to list of bookmarks!


Anonymous said...

Hey, there's a site that works similar to this in Singapore where you post interesting articles and news to. In which, the community decides which stories get promoted to the home page. Thought u might be interested as well! :)

Its www.mallr.com


WAHM said...

Thanks, Marie.