| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

06 March, 2007

House values rising in LA

Looks like DH is agreeing to spending Christmas with his close cousins in California this year. I am excited as it has been 7 years since we last visited LA. They lived in Orange County in LA and it was a nice estate with a beautiful park in a conducive setting. We had the pleasure to bunk in their new place then.

His cousin and her family were here for vacation 2 years ago and we had a lovely time catching up. In our conversation, I recalled her mentioning about how LA house values had increased in the last few years. Another cousin who migrated to US had bought a house in Texas for investment as she envisioned that the house values would continue to rise in the next couple of years. Well, those who bought houses in the 90s for investment purposes would be reaping profits now with the current booming property market.

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