| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

13 April, 2007

My day outing at Vivo City

I bought my 6th pair of Crocs last Sunday... it's the ballet looking - Prima. I never expect myself to own of those dainty looking shoes. I am also glad that mum chose the gold colour one... nice choice.

We had a lovely day as a family. Had lunch at Dian Xiao Er.. and the herbal roast duck was yummy! I was truly glad that Clayton had been an angel all day except for the time when he had to stop playing at the playground when the rain came in. I bought everyone a dozen of soft donuts... and I queued for half an hour!!

Have you been to Vivo City? It's a good place to walk and shop but just keep in mind that Sunday is packed with families and people!

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