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04 August, 2007

benefits of colloidal silver

I'm thankful to be blessed with good skin. Though my freckles and brown spots are more visible than my younger years, I'm glad not to experience acne skin conditions or breakouts like some people do. I had dinner with my close friends last weekend and Mike was consulting image consultant, Jill, on some serious skin breakouts. He had been put on antibiotics for years and it seemed that the medications were working against him now.

I have read about how colloidal silver can help with acne skin. Research has shown that this is a powerful natural antibiotic that can kill hundreds of disease organisms. And it does not conflict with other medications or treatments. It is however necessary to ensure that the colloidal silver is made of silver particles and not silver ions. Mesosilver colloidal silvercolloidal silver is made of the smallest silver nanoparticles measuring less than 0.65nm with 80% concentration while others may only be 10%.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if it is colloidal or ionic, dear. As long as it is fine silver made with distilled water, only. The difference between ionic and colloidal is that you can only take 3 Tablespoons a day of the colloidal, whereas you can make the ionic yourself at home and drink as much as you need as often as you need it. Keeps the doctors and their drugs away for sure, and it seems to cure every kind of bug, germ, bacteria and infection there is.