| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

02 September, 2007

travel tips: preventing motion sickness

I used to get motion sickness when I was younger but somehow, I grew out of it in my teengage years. In the next few of posts, I'll be sharing some tips on how to prevent motion sickness:

1) Avoid heavy, oily and spicy foods before leaving on your trip. The urge to throw up is caused by excess bile so a light and plain snack can helped to overcome this discomfort.

2) If travelling by car, train or boat, stay in a position near the front of the vehicle where there is less motion. On an airplane, request for a seat over the wing of the plane and avoid the tail section. On a ship, get a cahin hear the middle of the craft, close to the waterline where there is less rolling and pitching.

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