| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

28 November, 2007

planning for 2008

Whenever I get a chance to hop into a home and decor shop, I'll like to take a peek at the cool kitchen appliances and cutlery in the homeware department. I love to buy nice aprons but somehow, they tend to end up in the drawers after a few uses :P There is a tendency for me to forget to put them on... the weather here is just too warm to put on another piece of fabric over the body, unless I'm cooking in a cool place.

Talking about cooking, I'm looking forward to acquiring some new baking skills in the New Year. Since the year is coming to an end soon, it's time to sit down and write down my goals for 2008. I'll like to pick up a few new skills and do things I have never done before. Have you started your goal planning?

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