| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

16 March, 2008

fun day in the park

Yesterday evening, we were all dressed up ready for a fun time at the park and the stream. But as soon as we got into the car, droplets of rain started falling on the windscreen. I could tell that my little boy was disappointed and he was still insisting that we should go to the 'river'.

Today, I was praying that the weather would continue to stay nice throughout the day so that my little boy's wish to be out in the park and the playground would be fulfilled. And my prayer was answered. Finally, I can say that Clayton has overcome his fear of walking on sand! It may sound funny but he's anal about sand getting into his feet and the trip to Hawaii didn't ease those fears. But today, he trod and waddled in the stream by himself, told us he wanted to catch some fishes - that was cute. It brought me much joy to see the smile in his eyes - I never knew parenting can bring such unexplained joys and comforts... we had a great evening at the park and playground... and the stream.

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