| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

28 November, 2006

Mid life crisis

I always enjoy talking with people from all walks of life. By nature, I'm a curious person.

I had a chat with Alex's cousin this evening, who is a psychologist and lecturer by profession. She is a lovely lady with heaps of counselling and teaching experience in human behaviour.

It was enlightening to hear that all ( I mean ALL) of us go through mid life crises at different stages of our lives. It's usually at 35, 45 and 55.

Symptoms of mid-life crises: depression, feeling of rejection, searching the meaning of life, feeling lost, escapism, frustration, deep pondering of yester years, a strong desire to hide in the cave, sense of loneliness, sometimes tearful...

I thought about it and oops! it seemed like I might be having some of these symptoms.

So what do I do? According to her, I should 'embrace' the crisis. Meaning, don't reject, don't run from it. Face it squarely and acknowledge it. Hang in there and go through it. Be patient.

As I dwell a little more on it, it helps to know that this is a passing phase. If approach it objectively and positively, I will come out stronger and wiser.

On another note, Clayton is learning to talk more lately. He has learnt how to utter 'Tracy' (my good friend). So every time when he enters the office, he'll look at the PC and say 'Hi Tracy' (he talks to her on Skype). That was cute...

1 comment:

Tracy Tan said...

I've been on high because he can now call my name. Can't wait to see him and catch up with you. Absence does make the heart grow fonder :)