| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

21 December, 2006

Tips on SEO

I considered myself a newbie in the internet business. For the past few months, I have been reading, researching and exchanging information with like-minded individuals. I had also attended a couple of internet seminars. The information I gathered and the knowledge shared by some top internet marketers have opened up new opportunities for me.

Lately, I have been thinking hard about increasing traffic to my sites. There are many suggestions and talk on how to increase search engine traffic. I came across a simple 3-step formula by Chris Sandberg. There are some bits of insights shared which are quite new to me. One of things I learnt (which is quite different from what I was told) is to 'focus' on one keyword phrase per page instead of having too many. Another important thing to note is to obtain links that are related to your topic and not just focus on sites with high page-rank value.

This is definitely an article I would refer to in the next few month to increase search engine traffic.

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