| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

04 January, 2007

Wonders of Garlic

Few days ago, I was hit by the cold bug again. My acupuncturist shared a wonderful and effective natural home remedy for cold/flu bouts. I chewed a clove of fresh garlic that night and repeated it the next day and the next day, I woke up with no more nose dripping! My nasal stuffiness was gone!

Most of us may have heard about the wonders of garlic. A garlic clove contains a pungent compound called allicin which has natural antibiotic properties. Here are some wonderful benefits of this blessing from mother nature:
  • Aids general immunity.
  • Aids in the prevention of heart disease.
  • Helps thin the blood, reduces clotting and helps control blood pressure and poor circulation.
  • Cleanser of the digestive system.
  • Helps cure flatulence or bloating.
  • Acts against inflamation and infection, including colds, coughs, respiratory problems, bronchial disorders and catarrh.
  • Kills internal parasites and is an excellent internal anticeptic.

  • Prevents cancer-cell growth due to sulphur compounds in garlic
  • Reduces low blood sugar
  • Lowers the risk of stroke
  • Promotes good circulation
So start chewing one if you are getting the cold bug. Just don't go straight to a business meeting after that!

1 comment:

Samm said...

Hi, thx for dropping by. I guess both of us love garlic very much then. Cant live w/o it. In fact, i wrote a recipe sometime wayyyy back using garlic. You can make it for ur family shud they be down with a bug.

And i blogrolled you too. Link me, ya!!
