| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

18 March, 2007

Whats the big deal about gold?

Drifting back to the time when I was a little girl, I loved visiting the goldsmith shop with my mother. While she chose her desired necklace and bracelet, entered into friendly negotiation with the jeweler, I would be scanning through the beautiful jewelries on my own.

At that time, I didn't understand why she invested her money on those goldie stuff til recently, when she showed me her 'well kept' treasures collected over the years, made of chains, bracelets, gold coins and rings. And when I asked her why all these collections, she simple answered, "For investment, the value would increase!"

True enough, buying and selling gold bullion is still a widely popular activity among investors. It is still regarded as a symbol of wealth and prosperity by some, in particular highlight among certain cultures.

In Asia, giving gold on a wedding signifies good fortune and honour to the brides, a common practice among the Indians, Chinese and Malays. Family members, especially the older generation still prefer to offer gold as gifts over paper money. This goes to show that gold is an undying trend much preserved by both the educated and those who aren't. The significance and symbolization outweighs modern trends and movement after all.

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