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16 April, 2007

The road to drug recovery

I met my auntie during my grandma's funeral two weeks ago. She is mum to a close cousin of mine who has been behind bars for the last 10 years. He is a close grandson to my grandma so he had asked for permission to pay his last respects to my grandma at the funeral.

Meng had got into bad company in his early adulthood and became a drug addict under peer pressure and wrong influence. I asked his mum about him during the funeral and with tears in her eyes, she said, "I hate him". It was disheartening for a mum to utter such words about her son but I knew that she was hurting.

Due to the lack of proper counselling, Meng did not succeed in his addiction recovery and his family did not know how to provide the support he needed. If only the family was well aware of the different addiction treatments available through good drug rehabilitation network, Meng's road to recovery would be promising.

The article on addiction recovery at RehabilitationHQ provides a comprehensive insight on the recovery journey for both the drug addicts and their families. It explains clearly the emotional and mental issues involved when a commitment is made to overcome this struggle.

Addiction counselling can help to prevent a relapse during the drug treatment process and such counselling involves not only the drug addict but the family too. It is important to receive the support of loved ones during the addiction recovery process and to help in dealing with self-hatred, loss of self-esteem and shame.

Another helpful article for my auntie's family is the "Survival Guide to a Loved One's Addiction". It lists down some helpful suggestions that the family can use, that they must first regain the confidence and strength before they can offer emotional support to the person suffering from addiction. It is important for the family to recognize that they are not alone in this and there is a support network that they can receive help from.

They should also understand the different drug treatment options available and how a drug rehab can benefit Meng in the long run. Proper counselling can prepare the family and the addict emotionally, mentally and physically while receiving the appropriate treatment.

My auntie and the rest of the family definitely needs the strength to overcome the hurts and pain they have experienced over the years. Meng is due to be out of jail end of this year. I pray that he will enter a new lifestyle with new strength and hope as he reunites with his family.

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