| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

30 April, 2007

To the doctor

I went to the doctor this morning. My close friends know that I respect doctors but hate medications. I suppose I don't like to depend on them and I always wonder what will the hidden side effects of medications. And being a natural health advocate, I prefer the natural remedies. But for the last few months, this allergy of mine has been affecting my sleep and causing me discomforts. So I know that I need to do something about it before it gets worse... it's already getting worse actually.

But the prescription today shocked me. I was asked to take 2 antibiotics tabs twice a day and that antibiotic was expensive - RM6.80 per tab! It's not so much of the money but I'm worried about the strength of the antiobiotic. Anyhow, I told myself that I would be good this time and follow the doc's instructions.

For whatever reason, I wasn't feeling too good after dinner. I threw up and it felt horrible! Oh well, I don't know what is the cause of this vomiting but I'm just going to give myself another day to evaluate the medications...

Do me a kind favour... say a prayer for me ;)


Anonymous said...

I've had the RM6.80 antibiotics before. It's like the Versace of Antibiotics, I think the brand is GSK. The price is not an indication of strength though. You can get the exact same dosage on a generic antibiotic for 1/10th the price.

Will keep you in my prayer.

WAHM said...

Hi CL.. thanks for letting me know, these docs really know how to make $ from us ya? What's this generic antiobiotic you are referring to?

Thanks for the prayer :)