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10 May, 2007

Stop Your Addiction

In all things, the 'first step' is the most challenging. Just like a little baby who first learnt how to take his first step... it was tough, painful, scary... but eventually, this challenge would be overcome.

Similarly, making a decision to take the 'first step' in any drug addiction recovery is the toughest. With this in mind, the Stone Hawk First Step 28-day drug rehab program is tailored to address the needs of those struggling in drug addictions. The program centers on the health aspects of detoxification and offering appropriate education to overcome drug addiction.

The First Step Drug Rehab consists of these 5 steps:

  • Detoxification and Withdrawal
  • Self Control and Communication Exercises
  • Sauna Cleansing Process
  • Study Improvement
  • Drug Free Remedies for Discomforts
Know of someone who needs to take the 'first step', point him to Stop Your Addiction for a good head start.

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