| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

12 July, 2007

last day of detox

Know what? Today is my last day of my detox - woohoo! I did it!

Tell ya, I wasn't having the best days of my life last few days. I lost my voice since Sunday and still croaking now. I have been coughing badly with alot of phlegm, had fever chills for two days...etc. Well, I'm not saying these things to put you off detox but this is just how 'sick' my body is.

The interesting thing is I haven't been eating much during this time and I don't feel weak or tired. In fact, I'm more energized and alert - this is the upside of detox! If you don't have respiratory ailments like I do, it may not be that bad, really. Anyways, I have every good reason to break a nice fast tomorrow .... we are having a business meeting in Mandarin Oriental... that is definitely a great way to reward myself - lol.

I did it!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It's probably safe to say that the worst is over. This definitely calls for a celebration. Cheers!

WAHM said...
