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21 August, 2007

any Mac blogger out there?

Being a Mac user, I need to spend more money on a lot of things such as Mac accessories, software, Mac memory, upgrades...etc. Unlike DH who spends little on his IBM memory and other stuff, anything to do with Mac costs more. But after all these years, I still wouldn't settle for anything else but my Mac when it comes to graphic design work. I had tried working on the PC for my design stuff and it was just not the same. I know I'm not the only one feeling this way and that's probably why Mac continues to reign among design students. Any Mac blogger out there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to try using a Mac. Everyone I know who owns one, loves it. The only problem for me is that they seem to be more expensive... and I have always used a PC, so I guess that's just what I'm used to.