| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

10 September, 2007

seashells and life

One of my favorite beach activities is searching for seashells. There are millions of seashells in the ocean that come from a wide variety of creatures. They all look different and each has their own personalities that comes across in the divots and impressions in the shells. I don't know why but I am fond of wedding invitations or greeting cards that include an ocean theme or graphics of sea shells.

As I was looking for my seashells, I had a thought. The ocean is a vast body of secrets that has a story underneath that no one really knows about. So, in essence, each sea shell tells a different, but small, portion of the ocean's story. It speaks of life that we each have a story to tell too. With millions of thoughts, experiences and everything within us, we are like a seashell in the ocean, with a story to tell.

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