| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

16 July, 2009

Working At Home Requires Discipline

Those who work from home should have no excuse not to take up any fitness activity. With the flexibility of time, you should find time to exercise especially when you have sent all your kids to school.

All it takes is to wake up a little earlier or to make some sacrifices and you can achieve your health goals in your home office. When it comes to this, I always admire my DH for his strong discipline in exercising every morning. He does his workouts rain or shine and even when he is not feeling 100%. Sometimes I wonder why he pushes himself so hard and he will remind me that it's 'discipline' he's after. Think of the upside: if you exercise regularly, you may not need other weight loss options like clinicallix or others unless you aren't fit to exercise.

Working at home does require discipline. You need to avoid spending too much time on that phone call with your girl friend or sister. Don't even switch on the TV during morning tea or you may get hooked. Keeping a list of 'to dos' can help to keep you on the track.

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