| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

20 January, 2010

Parenting and Work at Home

Whenever I hear about a friend expecting a baby, it brings me great joy. Being only a mom who focuses alot on parenting and work at home in the last five years, there are lots of joys and pains, fun and challenges. Never easy, but it's worth it.

When you are working from home and are expecting a child at the same time, you will find it easier to rest when you are tired. You can step in and out of your home office, eat regularly, take your prenatal vitamins and even prepare the arrival of your child. Sometimes, you can be surrounded by many blessings but not counting them.

I know that many mommies actually work outside home till the day of their birth... kudos to them! But when given a choice, majority would prefer to get more rest cos it's tiring when you are carrying a baby! This is excluding the cooking at home, cleaning duties and work responsibilities. But however tough it is, we will get around our difficulties and rise up above them all. With that strength of a new arrival, you will find it easier to move forward in your parenting journey.

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