| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

27 December, 2006

Christmas party

We invited a few friends to our place on Christmas day for dinner. A gathering like that is usually hard to come by, especially when I'm all busy with Clayton most of the time.

On the menu, we had roast beef, steamed snow fish, roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables. We had so much to eat that there were lots of leftover roast beef, which then ended up as beef casserole for dinner today.

It was great chatting, eating and enjoying each other's company. Clayton was an angel. He sat on his high chair the whole dinner time and wasn't cranky at all. I guessed it was because he had his favourite uncles and aunties on the dinner table.

Christmas is a nice time to catch up with good friends. And I thank God for them.

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