| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

30 April, 2007

I'm ill

I'm sleep deprived today. Had snippets of sleep throughout the night during to a persistent cough that was causing me discomforts and some slight wheezing.

As usual, I'm given a whole lot of medicine by my regular doctor.. how I hate antibiotics, it's like a never-ended process. Since I'm on antibiotics, I'm taking my regular doses by bifidus to replace the friendly bacteria that is 'destroyed' by the medication.

I need to get well... I must get well... oh yikes... how I hate this cough and this allergy... ARgggrhh!


suzie said...

hope you'll get better soon. take care!

Hoon by TPH said...

Hi, Doris,

How's your cough now ? Have you tried "almond powder" before ? And,"Jing Du Niam Chin Gnam"- I do not know it is called in English ?..;D

They work for me.

Give it a try.

Hoon by TPH said...

Doris, I have searched for you. Look at the picture cough
. You can get it from any chinese store.Don't get me wrong, I am not asking you to buy online. I just stole the picture from that site..;D

Try this. It works fast. Most elderly
know this old brand.

Take care.

WAHM said...

Hi Suzie: thanks for your concern, appreciate that :)

Vedis: thanks for your advice and for taking the time to search the remedy for me - I'll keep that in mind! I believe that traditional chinese med is better than those drugs... truly appreciate your concern.