| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

23 May, 2007

Stick to your ethics

I was reading an article in the local newspapers yesterday on how the authorities had decided to clamp down the illegal and unethical money lenders. The reality for many people is that they do need some kind of loan at some point in their lives, whether for emergency usage for for personal matters. It may be buying a house, education, wedding, hospitalization, medical or just plain financial debts.

Though it seems new to me, taking a loan from a bank that is based on strong ethical values and business practices sounds logical, acceptable and responsible. It means that the company does not engage in activities that is conflicting with human rights, environmental issues and other ethical matters. Customers are required to fill in questionaire forms to declare how the loan would be used for, as well as a business profile evaluation before an approval is granted.

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