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04 June, 2007

Explore the galaxy world

As a curious growing teenager, I enjoyed learning more about stars and planets. I always think to myself how mysterious those twinkling lights are and it sparked within me a deeper interest when my teacher showed us the wonders of the planet world.

I recalled star gazing on clear nights in Queenstown New Zealand two years ago. It was one of those starry, starry nights where the stars actually lit up the entire sky. DH and myself turned off all the lights just to enjoy the lovely sparkles at the balcony of our apartment. DH tried to look closer with his binoculars but it was not helping much.

If only we got one of those cool gadgets like this hand held Meade MySky, which navigates and brings you into the world of galaxy with the full-color LCD screen. Wow! Imagine that... if we know about MySky earlier, we would have recorded our sightings in my blog with the awesome Skymap option that could show us “Tonight’s Best Tour.” This tour can get us acquainted of the wonders of the universe, and we would have pointed it an object and identify planets, stars, nebula, galaxies and more mysterious things in the universe.

This is such a cool gadget for anyone keen in astronomy and will be sure to inspire a curious child to learn more about stars and galaxies.

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