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02 September, 2007

can colloidal silver replace conventional antibiotic?

I’m not one of those who run to the doctor when I’m down with a cold, fever, headaches or cough. Reason being I don’t like to dose myself with drugs and medications especially antibiotics. It wasn’t long that I learned that antibiotics destroy both the good and bad bacteria of the body. And when that happens, your body may not be strong enough to fight those germs and viruses as the good bacteria which helps to do the job is not present. So, I make sure that a have a dose of bifidus or yoghurt when I’m on antibiotics.

According to research, the natural health practioners have regarded colloidal silver as nature’s antibiotic. Colloidal silver has a long history which explains why it has been used to purify substances and treat a host of ailments. It is also found that colloidal silver contains anti fungal and anti viral properties and is used to fight disease and heal many skin related conditions.

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