| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

02 September, 2007

a cool device named Temperature@lert

I used to work in a multimedia environment where the room is dark most of the time with servers, computers, 3D graphic machine, printers all housed in one place. The only reason why I quit working in a place like that was because I could not withstand the stuffiness and the heat on those days when the air con failed to work. I only wished the Temperature@lert USB Sensor with Email Alerts was invented at that time as it would help to monitor the temperature of the multimedia room and avoid those discomforts. It was unpleasant to work in a room like that and somehow, the boss didn't think it was a big problem.

Temperature@lert is linked to the PC via a USB port and will alert the user via a windows application when the temperature is not within your desired range.

I thought it would be great to use this in a flower cold room or an organic shop cold room where coolness is key to the freshness of the products. This can help to keep products at optimum quality and the owner can be alerted should anything go wrong the temperature of the cold room.

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