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01 September, 2007

energy drink creating a revolution in the web

Whenever anyone tells me about a new health product, I will be all ears. For many years now, I've always been interested in the area of health and fitness and became an organic food and products follower after my first detox in 2002. That explains why I started a health blog too.

I just heard that a new energy drink A.C.T. is revolutionizing the energy drink marketplace. The differenc between A.C.T. and other energy drinks in the market is that it is natural and does not contain caffeine anhydrous and added sugar. With added nutrients from fruits and vegetables in crystalline extract form, it is blended with A.C.T. ingredients to give positive results. Unlike most energy drinks that last only a couple of hours, A.C.T. is said to create optimum results that last for hours. The interesting thing is you are rewarded by introducing the drink to your friends. From the website, I understand that many have won attractive rewards by sharing the health energy drink to their friends. Well, I have yet to try the product but the story of A.C.T. sure interests me. Are you ready to join the revolution now?


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ - there are many other energy drinks on the market that have exactly the same qualities, the only difference that A.C.T. is part of a multi-level marketing scam and the rest out there are free trade!!

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ with "anonymous". ACT dealer/users buy ACT Energy drinks at wholesale prices and they are allowed to set up accounts with retailers to sell ACT. Please do your research. Most multi-level marketing companies charge outrageous prices for their products, ACT does the opposite. I may be wrong, but I have yet to see another energy drink on the market that contains no caffeine and is sweetened with stevia and fruit extracts.

Reid and Robin said...

To Anonymous,
Obviously you haven't done your research yet. If you look at the most popular brands sold in stores in the US, Canada, Austria, etc. you will see that they have high levels of caffeine anhydrous and sugar. Since both of these are known to be bad for health, they are not the same. Also, how do you define free trade? Is that the ability of the large conglomerates to make make money and no one else? Hmmm, hardly seems fair to me.

Reid and Robin

Anonymous said...

M2CGlobal, Inc. the supposive Manufacturers of the A.C.T energy drink RIPPED ME OFF! First, their website is mis-leading, claiming they send you your checks daily, when checks are actually held for 7 days before being sent! They also claim to be M2cGlobal, Inc. but do not show up in any Texas Corporation Registries! Their products has made me and people in my downline SICK!

Checks I earned were ALWAYS late, sometimes they had to be re-sent, prizes I won were always 3-4 weeks late, and once I informed them I was leaving the company and that I was going to report them, they sent me 2 of my prizes they owed me, but did not send me 1 of the checks they still owed me! I put in a 'Trouble Ticket', and never received a reply!

M2CGlobal is ACTUALLY Aloe Commodities, International! About 6 other MLM's have originated from their EXACT same address!! BUYER BEWARE, DONT FALL FOR THIS SCAM! Upline Sponsor threatened me not to release this information, But I am!!

Anonymous said...

I've searched high and low on this energy drink: I find it bizarre that there are actually too many positive website posts...It actually freaks me out a little. And whenever you find a negative comment about it like scam or pyramide or stuff like that you'll find a bunch of rebuttles from happy 'downliners'...Like, what's a downliner anyway??? And by the way: did you see the number of videos that pop up when you 'Youtube' ACT energy drink...Just a little creepy.

That guy from Upnorth