| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

27 September, 2007

epazz facilitates work flow

In less than 3 months' time, the year will come to an end and we'll be ushering into a new year again. DH and myself had a brief discussion our company's plans for the New Year and it looks like we will be exploring on some partnership opportunities with another event company. Since we work from home and the other potential partner has a physical office, we will be communication remotely most of the time. By then, we should look into a content management software that the staff can organize, design and manage website data with ease and convenience. A software like epazz can possibly help to facilitate the work flow of this new partnership as registered users can log in and access their personal schedule page anywhere, anytime. This personal page can check and schedule appointments, staff members can respond and communicate via the system, manage projects and customize all features to their needs.

To find out more about how epazz can work seamlessly in your organization, check out the flash demo or get a 30 day free trial.

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