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02 September, 2007

some quick facts on cancer

There is never a time like now to stay focus on our health. I believe we have all heard enough stories of cancer patients in the recent years. Do you know that one in four of us will contract cancer in our lifetime? Scary huh? The most common cancer is breast cancer in women and lung cancer in men. And it seems that the most vulnerable age group seems to be 40 and over, increasing with age.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is true. Breast cancer is the #1 one diagnosed cancer type for women.
Here are 5 risk factors about breast cancer for your readers:

Breast Cancer Risk Factors
# Older age - Half of all women diagnosed are over age sixty-five
# Early onset of menses or late menopause
# Diets high in saturated fat
# Older age at birth of first child or never having given birth
# A personal history of breast cancer or benign (noncancer) breast disease.

Also for your readers, here are 100s of articles, a community and breast cancer facts.
Thanks for your time.