| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

21 March, 2008


Somehow, it has been such a busy week that I realized that I haven't blogged here for the last two days! The weather has been less than good this week as we see the sun shining one part of the day and storming in the next. I have decided not to buy my iPhone since the current version is not equipped with 3G. After much thoughts, I don't even need a new phone right now. I am desiring a phone with camera features of 5 megapix like the Nokia n95 or n82 but I guess it's not urgent. With the weekends leading up, it's home alone for Clayton and myself since DH has a 3 day workshop to attend. I figure out that he needs a break from the accumulated stress of late. Perhaps, it's a good time for me to have some quality time with my little boy too.

For those who us who observe Good Friday today, may we remember the victory on the wooden cross.

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