| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

24 October, 2008

coping with a loss

Now that my father in law had gone to be with the Lord, we are helping my mom in law to settle down and to learn independence. For someone who isn't very active both socially and physically, this may seem to take a longer period of time.

In the next couple of months, we may plan an overseas trip to take her to Hong Kong and Macau, as she had indicated interest to visit these two countries. I must confess that I have not gone holiday with an elderly person before but I believe these odds can be overcome. I spoke with a Chicago accident attorney friend and she was sharing about how she too just returned from a family trip with her dad after a series of happenings at home.

Coping with a loss takes time, courage, strength and divine grace. But with the help of family members and loved ones, it can be a smooth and peaceful adjustment. I only hope that some family members are more supportive during this time. And may they take responsbility to show more love and concern in days to come.

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