| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

30 June, 2009

Work at Home Mommy on Parenting

Oh... has it been so long that I've been missing from this blog. Blame it on my niche sites, migration research, parenting, pilates classes, family obligations....:) It's hard to find much free time even though I'm a work at home mommy. It's been fun!

Last weekend, I attended a half day Creative Maths workshop. The speaker was sharing about creative parenting and encouraging creativity in children. It was very inspiring and educational. Sometimes we try hard to fit our kids into the educational system and when they don't, we get frustrated. We get discouraged and even thought about quitting on them.

Most school systems only test children in their academics but not on their other abilities. As such, we use academics as a yardstick to measure our children's intelligence and abilities. It takes courage, time, patience and wisdom to uncover the potential and talent in our children. And if no one pays attention to them, no one will.

For a work at home mommy, I have the privilege to spend more time with my boy but still, I can miss his other abilities if I focus only on his academic achievements. Besides, it is so important for us parents to believe in our children. Dr James Dobson had uttered so clearly in his books that it is getting harder to parent our kids in today's media age. It is our responsibility to guide them, help and encourage them in this merciless and cold world.

I'm not an expert in parenting but I strive to do my best as a work at home mommy.

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