| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

20 February, 2010

Beauty and Heath: Two Good Niche Topics

It always amazes me how technology has dominated our lives greatly. Without it, I don't think I can be a work at home mom and without it, we won't be doing things faster and better. Then again, I must admit that there is always a downside to all things.

There are some businesses out there that are thriving with the help of technology coupled with traditional methods. One of them is hair loss treatment which can be seen in many advertising pages in the newspapers everyday. Many companies are resorting to herbal products to promote hair growth and using technology to accelerate it.

Even though I have a baldy work at home husband, I'm never bothered about his hair style cos I think I won't be too used to him having a head full of hair! Being bald isn't a bad thing for him cos he saves time and money on haircuts and he doesn't have to worry about shampoo and grey hairs! Another upside is, he's looking younger than many friends his age!

Talking about hair loss, this is a good niche to consider if you are working on an online business but just be warned that there's lots of competition out there on this topic too. Beauty and health are two huge topics that can lead to many micro niches which seen many successful affiliates in the Net. If affiliate marketing is not your cup of tea as yet, these topics are also good for adsense but you need to make sure your micro niches have relevant traffic and searches to see the real clicks.

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