| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

09 March, 2010

So Much to Do in the Home Office

Parenting and work at home can become more challenging when your child is ill. Infact, it affects me emotionally, physically, causes some havoc to my worklife and mental state of mind. I'm so glad Clayton has recovered and he's back to his normal self.

This week, I'll need to get a mover for a quotation for our move. I was hoping that we could buy our one way air tickets during the Malaysia Travel Fair but due to some logistic issues, I have to delay the booking. But I'm certainly happy that I manage to secure good rates for our Hong Kong air ticket and I can't wait for April to come!

I've been advised to buy our furniture here and have them shipped to Brissie but it's hard to decide when we haven't even bought a place. A friend of ours is planning to buy furniture and lighting fixture during warehouse sales in order to accumulate some savings. For us, we treat it as a one-time investment as part of the migration costs.

Just when we get into the routine in the home office, it's school holidays next week and there'll be another one week break. I'm a little tired to travel to Singapore but it'll be a long time away before the next trip back. Moreover, it's just hard to get things going in the home office when Clayton is around.

There are a few things happening in the next couple of months: creating a website for our new business in Brisbane, training the new partner in the seminar, and working out the moving details. With so much to do in the home office, there's no time for slack in the coming months. The move is really ON!

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