| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

28 April, 2007

Loving this home business

Allow me to drift back to 2003 when we started our seminar business from home. At that time, DH and myself were still dealing with the debts from our failed restaurant business and we were wearied, disheartened and despondent.

After attending a life motivational seminar in Singapore, I left for Hong Kong for a networking opportunity and that trip was the turning point of our careers, and marks the chapter of our home based business. It was a dream we were desired for a long time but never in our wildest dreams would we think it can come to pass - so fast!

We organized our first event with Ron Kaufman on UP Your Service in 2003 and that marked our success with a record of 1,200 participants packed in the grand ballroom of a hotel. Since, we had been running at least two events a year and to date, we had 8 successful events with top speakers from around the world.

This year, we started exploring someInternet Business Opportunities after attending a couple of Internet Marketing workshops ourselves. As we plan to migrate in a few years' time, we hope to develop multiple streams of income and one of the opportunities would be internet and affiliate marketing. With the internet business, we can continue to enjoy the pleasure of working from home and appreciate this gift of time of full time parenting.

What about you? Do you dream about working from home? If yes, how are you working towards to fulfill this dream of yours?

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