| A blog on my journey as a WORK AT HOME MOM and my WORK AT HOME BUSINESS |

02 October, 2007

process of owning our first home

Owning a home is a natural decision for any couple who plans to spend their lives together. Looking back, it was exciting choosing our 'love nest' when Alex and myself were getting married 7 years ago. At that time, I preferred a condominium as I was concerned about the security of staying in a house. But eventually, we bought a link house after considering the valuation and cost effectiveness of a house.

Like most couples, we shopped for the best mortgage loans from several banks, comparing the interests offered and other terms and conditions that came along with the proposal. We needed to make sure that there would be no hidden fees and the interests was fixed at a certain rate. Then we we had to check on our down payments with mortgage payment calculator so that the home loan could be reduced, which meant less interests over the next 10-20 years. Using a free mortgage calculator is useful during the entire planning process especially if you are not familiar with interests and the calculation process.

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