I've got some cool comments from the guys after posting the previous post - thanks, guys, for the opinion. Anyways, men and women are never meant to be the same, isn't it? That makes this world a more interesting and fun place to live!
My fever is gone and my nose is clearing. I just got back from another TCM doctor in Klang. I really have Kess Mama and her sister, Evelyn to thank, for being so kind to show me the way there. We had lunch with our Klang Tai Kor (LOL) and had seafood in Siow Tiow. Then he took all of us to the BEST chendol in Klang. Don't ask me if it's good cos I didn't eat it. I can't. I am not supposed to eat anything cold. Sorry, no photos cos I wasn't in the mood to shoot photos... we were running late!
Anyways, Eastern Medicine was located in another part of Klang and by the time we reached there, it was going to 4pm and we were supposed to pick Clayton at 4pm? How to rush back to PJ on time? Sigh! Thank God for the school for graciously keep our boy there while we were stuck at the TCM doctor. It was good that my hubby had bought some sweet treats for teacher's day today too - good job, darling!
Thank God, our turn came and we were done by 5pm!! The trip was so smooth and we reached Peter and Jane at 5.20pm!! What the Chinese doctor said about me would be another post. Man, I didn't know I was so sick! I must get well, I am determine to get well!